EU funding
Last updated on 4 February 2021
EU funding – major funding channel for businesses
The institutions and programs of the European Union provide a diverse range of funding for business development. They apply to companies of all sizes — from start-up to big corporate. Funding programs include loans, guarantees, capital investments, R&D subsidies, and direct subsidies to investments and development.
Financing is decided either in the Commission (such as Horizon), the European Investment Bank (such as EFSI), the national players (Finnvera, Business Finland, Industrial Investment) or in the regional ELY centres (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment).
In the EU, budgets and regulations for business funding are decided on a budgetary basis. The 2014-2020 Budget Framework (MFF) has concluded. Because of the corona pandemic and Brexit, its financial transactions will continue in some respects all the way to 2023. The European Council decided on the budget framework for 2021-2027 and the main lines of funding in July 2020.
Why take advantage of an adviser when applying for EU money?
Compared to domestic instruments, EU instruments typically have longer, and more complex application processes combined with a lower turnaround rate for projects. CAG’s experienced experts are happy to help with advice on EU funding, assessing the suitability of different instruments and creating a total funding solution.
CAG’s approach to EU funding
Our approach to EU funding is shown below:
Situation analysis
Outlining the company’s current situation based on the facts helps to establish realistic objectives for the EU financial arrangement project. The first phase will examine, among other things, the current financial structure, the need for funding, and analyse the company’s business model.
Financing solution
After the analysis of the situation, the most appropriate financial instrument for the company is selected from the EU funding programs. CAG assists the company in building a package of materials to meet the needs of the selected program and financial instrument.
Implementation of the financial arrangement
CAG assists the Company in the preparation of the funding application, the construction of related documentation, and the reporting.
If you are considering EU funding for your business, we’ll be happy to help you in finding a suitable solution.